Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We will be changing up the criteria for the pictures in our next round in hopes that we can get some more people to play with us....

But for now...Here is Jeopardy!

From Nancy Wyatt:

From Tami Wyatt:

From Lee Sowers:

Our word for last month was "jeopardy"...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


We all have very diverse ideas about romance ...and here they are:

From Tami Jewett:

From Tami Wyatt:

From Lee Sowers:

From Kari Oneyear:

From Tori Wyatt:

From Nancy Wyatt:

Sunday, January 10, 2010


ONE, by Lee Sowers

ONE, by Emily Sowers

ONE Big Guy, by Denille Franco

ONE Tire On The Curb, by Nancy Wyatt. This was taken outside of the Senior Citizen Center.

ONE Silhouette At Dusk,by Rebekah Pendell

ONE, by Wendy Tran

ONE Stool,Two Cats, by Madge and Ray Sanchez

One Icicle, by Tori Wyatt
Tori snapped this shot of the lone icicle in Arkansas.

Channel ONE, by Kari Oneyear Kent

ONE Lotus Blossom, By Tami Wyatt This is exactly how the picture was taken, it has not been altered or enhanced!